The last day we woke up at 6 and headed out to the lagoon to attempt to watch the sun rise, but unfortunately there were too many clouds.
Can you see it?
Common potoo
They call this the stinky chicken because it has 2 stomachs like a cow and the leaves it eats have chemicals that smell horrible when the bird is cut open
Morning reflections on glassy water
The leaves that fall have chemicals that create an oil-like film on the water in some places
When arriving back to the reserve where we would catch the first of many buses, a couple men were walking up with animal cages. Turns out there are 2 sloths in them that were rescued from animal trafficking from the town of Lago Agrio a couple hours away. We all got to watch them be released right into the trees back into the wild. It was so unexpected and heartwarming and I really could not have asked for a better ending to my trip to the Amazon.

"Goodbye and thank you!" (More like "I'm scared shitless I wish I could move faster")
The past 4 days and 3 nights have been totally amazing. I have been to the rainforest before in Costa Rica, but this was a totally different experience. Off the grid only using solar power to charge camera batteries and have light to eat at night, sleeping in mosquito nets, seeing many new things, learning many new things, making many new friends, and thoroughly enjoying life. What more could you ask for?
Thank you Elvis for sharing your wisdom and being full of energy and passion!